Trends Shaping the Future of E-Commerce
1. Social Network Integration:
As marketers encourage consumers to transact without leaving social network platforms, watch for more applications that leverage the emergence of "social shopping".
2. Mobile Commerce Sites:
Consumers accessing products and content when mobile have different needs than users browsing desktops. Progressive e-commerce retailers will begin to focus on designing a "mobile site user experience" based on a different set of assumptions than traditional desktop site visits.
3. Geo-Social - Mapping and Tie-Ins:
Watch as marketers take advantage of exciting new location-based cross-channel promotions. Rewards and Incentives for simply "showing up" at events connecting to brands and their products.
4. Contextural Visualization:
Shoppers expect to visualize more intimately how products look on them and in their environments. New technologies underway to facilitate that interest.
5. Grid Expansion and Liquid Layouts:
Liquid layouts will automatically size product display based on the browser resolution of the computer which the shopper is using to view the product. This will enable products to scale to size and improve visual quality.