Saturday, February 28, 2009

For Facebook, More Users Are More Problems

At the moment when most social networks flatline, Facebook is taking off. But for Mark Zuckerberg, 175 million users are just the beginning of his headaches. Money, spam, and crime are spoiling his online utopia.

read more | digg story


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Emerging Trends in Community Based Commerce

The emergence of community based commerce is being experienced thru a global collaboration of artists, artisans, and the inspirations derived from the handmade.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's Up with Dean and Deluca

For twenty-five years, I have lived and worked in Soho. Having been a keen observer of the neighborhood's ebbs and flows, I am doing a shout out to those of you who know and love the flagship corner store in Soho known as Dean and Deluca. What is going on there? The downshift in service, and poor food quality, most notably in the prepared foods area, dishonors a neighborhood landmark. Perhaps, the tourists who frequent the place from all over the world are still charmed, and coffee outposts may make the margin, but someone upstairs better wake up and clean up the place.
I share this post out of respect for a brand, that should be working harder than ever in this economy, to stay relevant.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Twitter's inventor on the site's prehistoric document

Sitting in the Flickr archives is a nearly 10-year-old document uploaded a couple of years ago by its author, Jack Dorsey, who started Twitter in 2006 along with co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone. The legal-pad sketch of the idea that would become Twitter has been noticed before, but we thought we'd ask him about it in a little more detail.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Luxury Tsunami

The marketing of luxury products will never recover...Its a tsunami of gigantic okay, luxury players were very late to the much ego, wanting touch and evaporating..but in the wake of the floods..
will be its rebirth, thru connectivity, and socializing...stay tuned...


Twitter Glitter

Twitter is sparkling and a great tool for business if put into an overall social media plan. stay we all learn together!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Slow Flow - Getting Informed

Slow is not about slowing down, Slow is about Smart. Slow is about taking time to be visual…Slow is about loving to do a tumblelog and sharing it…Slow is about learning…Slow is suave.


The Future of Retailing

People are demonstrating continued movement away from transacting by savvy brand persuasion, as they seek to re-establish some trust and authenticity in the products and services they consume.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where is the Value?

Lets get real...Retailers need to get involved right away in the "value" of the "conversation" and work harder this year to get away from the "value" of the "discount". The conversation begins here now....I say "Put Artists to Work", What do you say?


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Redefining Luxury - 2009

Get into the conversation on how luxury is being redefined. It is a valued association with a mindset, groups of people with shared values, good storytelling, and products of superb quality and craftsmanship. Take your time. A great place to watch luxury re-invent itself with people like Carl Honore, and his praise of "slowness". Doing it SLOW, and how well you do it SLOW is the new barometer…SLOW FOOD…starts it off, and watch it right here on to see where it goes.


Friday, February 6, 2009

The Conversation Prism

This is a very cool presentation of a new and evolving galaxy, where a rich textural weave of culture, content, and community is birthing the new and innovative.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Future of Celebrity

“I believe the distance between those who are famous and the rest of us is rapidly getting smaller! The impact of the long tail where greater trust is placed in smaller communities of shared interests, away from mythic popular figures, will change how people buy forever. People will buy in association with others, and much less so in response to brand messages.”


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trusting Brands and Banks

Commerce is going to increasingly be driven by how well we are connected to content generated by topics of interest…emanating from groupings of people sharing similar interests, listening in and participating in the “conversation”…I am already buying more each day based on my association with others, influenced by a multitude of factors..such as opinions, testimonials, referrals, good deals, availability, good tips, free shipping, all of it…I think we are going to see people trust these factors and influences significantly more than they trust brands…and


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Downturn Accelerates Paradigm Shift

The current economic downturn is a transition, accelerating a paradigm shift for marketers, no matter how big, or small, to move away from traditional "interruptive" media, towards selective social media tools thoughtfully assembled for engagement and conversation.


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